Protocol Labs Research

Volker Mische

Research Engineer / CryptoComputeLab


Diploma in Computer Science, 2010

Universität Augsburg

Blog posts

2021-10-22 / Blog
CryptoComputeLab announces proofs release version
CryptoComputeLab is very proud to release Proofs v10.0.0! A lot has changed under the hood in this release, but ultimately, it comes down to additional GPU support options and better performance during proving.
2021-07-29 / Blog
The Winding Journey to Proofs v8.0.0 and beyond

The proofs team is proud to announce the recent proofs releases v8.0.0, v8.0.1, and v8.0.2! These releases are Hyperdrive-enabled, which means that they contain the proof aggregation API that uses SnarkPack – in fact, the major difference between proofs v7.0.x and v8.0.x is the aggregation functionality!

2021-05-18 / Blog
CryptoComputeLab announces proofs release versions 7.0.0 and 7.0.1
The Proofs Team is pleased to announce the recent release of version 7.0.0 of the proofs library. The most notable improvement is that we’ve replaced the old gpu code with the new gpu2 code.
2021-03-24 / Blog
CryptoComputeLab announces proofs release 6.1.0
Today we’re proud to announce the recent release of rust-fil-proofs v6.1.0. This release contains a number of significant re-factors and performance optimizations, but we’d like to dig deeper into a couple of them to show some of the real-world impacts.