Protocol Labs Research


2022-09-09 / Report
Impossibilities in succinct arguments: Black-box extraction and more
The celebrated result by Gentry and Wichs established a theoretical barrier for succinct non-interactive arguments (SNARGs), showing that for (expressive enough) hard-on-average languages we must assume non-falsifiable assumptions. We further investigate those barriers by showing new negative and positive results related to extractability and to the preprocessing model.
Matteo Campanelli , Chaya Ganesh, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Janno Siim
2022-08-30 / Conference paper
Encryption to the future: A paradigm for sending secret messages to future (anonymous) committees
A number of recent works have constructed cryptographic protocols with flavors of adaptive security by having a randomly-chosen anonymous committee run at each round. Since most of these protocols are stateful, transferring secret states from past committees to future, but still unknown, committees is a crucial challenge.
Asiacrypt 2022 / 2022.12.05 / Taipei, Taiwan
Matteo Campanelli , Bernardo David, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Anders Konring, Jesper Buus Nielsen
2022-07-06 / Conference paper
What makes Fiat–Shamir zkSNARKs (updatable SRS) simulation extractable?
We show that three popular universal zero-knowledge SNARKs (Plonk, Sonic, and Marlin) are updatable SRS simulation extractable NIZKs and signatures of knowledge (SoK) out-of-the-box avoiding any compilation overhead. Towards this we generalize results for the Fiat–Shamir (FS) transformation, which turns interactive protocols into signature schemes, non-interactive proof systems, or SoK in the random oracle model (ROM).
SCN 2022 / 2022.09.12 / Amalfi, Italy
Chaya Ganeshe, Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh, Markulf Kohlweiss, Anca Nitulescu , Michal Zajac