Protocol Labs Research

Chhi'mèd Künzang

Research Engineer


BA in English (creative writing/poetry) and Computer Science (core programming and theory), 1996

Stanford University


2023-03-21 / Report
SpaceVDF: Verifiable delay functions using cryptographic satellites
In this document we aim to evaluate how VDF algorithms based on physical limits can be implemented in satellites and which physical properties / or roles of physics we can utilize to guarantee the passage of time.
Yonatan Winetraub, Elad Sagi, Yan Michalevsky, Chhi'mèd Künzang , Jonathan Gross
2023-03-16 / Report
LURK: Lambda, the ultimate recursive knowledge
We introduce Lurk, a new LISP-based programming language for zk-SNARKs. Traditional approaches to programming over zero-knowledge proofs require compiling the desired computation into a flat circuit, imposing serious constraints on the size and complexity of computations that can be achieved in practice.
Nada Amin, John Burnham, François Garillot, Rosario Gennaro , Chhi'mèd Künzang , Daniel Rogozin, Cameron Wong
2019-09-05 / Poster
A dual-process approach for automated knowledge creation
Scientific knowledge growth combines elements of existing theories into new proposed models, which is combinatorially intractable. Inspired by dual-system psychological theories, we conceptualize a knowledge creation process in two stages. Stage One narrows the space of existing computational elements based on contextual queues, supplying components from which a new model will be proposed.
Metascience Symposium / 2019.09.05 / Stanford, CA, USA

Blog posts

The road to Lurk
Today is my last day at Protocol Labs, after which I am moving on to be the CTO of Lurk Lab. The last five years have gone by in the blink of an eye. As is common in transition, I find myself reflecting on how the past became the present and on the future to come. This post is a whirlwind summary of some of the highlights of my research/development work at Protocol Labs.
2021-07-13 / News
zk-SNARKs for the world!
Did you know Filecoin is the largest zk-SNARK network deployed to date? For the past two years we have been working on bringing zk-SNARKs to the world and to the Filecoin Network.