Enriching Kademlia by partitioning
Decentralizing the Web is becoming an increasingly interesting endeavor that aims at improving user security and privacy as well as providing guaranteed ownership of content. One such endeavor that pushes towards this reality, is Protocol Labs’ Inter-Planetary File System (IPFS) network, that provides a decentralized large scale file system to support the decentralized Web.

DINPS 22 / 2022.07.10
/ Bologna, Italy
João Monteiro,
Pedro Ákos Costa,
João Leitão,
Alfonso de la Rocha
Yiannis Psaras
Decentralized hole punching
We present a decentralized hole punching mechanism built into the peer-to-peer networking library libp2p. Hole punching is crucial for peer-to-peer networks, enabling each participant to directly communicate to any other participant, despite being separated by firewalls and NATs.

DINPS 2022 / 2022.07.10
/ Bologna, Italy
Marten Seemann
Max Inden,
Dimitris Vyzovitis
Encryption to the future: A paradigm for sending secret messages to future (anonymous) committees
A number of recent works have constructed cryptographic protocols with flavors of adaptive security by having a randomly-chosen anonymous committee run at each round. Since most of these protocols are stateful, transferring secret states from past committees to future, but still unknown, committees is a crucial challenge.

Asiacrypt 2022 / 2022.12.05
/ Taipei, Taiwan
Matteo Campanelli
Bernardo David,
Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh,
Anders Konring,
Jesper Buus Nielsen
Design and evaluation of IPFS: A storage layer for the decentralized web
Recent years have witnessed growing consolidation of web operations. For example, the majority of web traffic now originates from a few organizations, and even micro-websites often choose to host on large pre-existing cloud infrastructures.

ACM SIGCOMM 2022 / 2022.08.26
/ Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Dennis Trautwein
Aravindh Raman,
Gareth Tyson,
Ignacio Castro,
Will Scott
Moritz Schubotz,
Bela Gipp,
Yiannis Psaras
What makes Fiat–Shamir zkSNARKs (updatable SRS) simulation extractable?
We show that three popular universal zero-knowledge SNARKs (Plonk, Sonic, and Marlin) are updatable SRS simulation extractable NIZKs and signatures of knowledge (SoK) out-of-the-box avoiding any compilation overhead.
Towards this we generalize results for the Fiat–Shamir (FS) transformation, which turns interactive protocols into signature schemes, non-interactive proof systems, or SoK in the random oracle model (ROM).

SCN 2022 / 2022.09.12
/ Amalfi, Italy
Chaya Ganeshe,
Hamidreza Khoshakhlagh,
Markulf Kohlweiss,
Anca Nitulescu
Michal Zajac
Influencing NFT pricing on secondary markets: A case study of Vpunks
Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) allow for users to transfer the digital rights of a good, for example, art, via a blockchain. This enables users to track the art’s proof of origin and authenticity.

CryptoAssets and Digital Asset Investment Conference / 2022.04.07
/ Rennes, France
State machine replication scalability made simple
Consensus, state machine replication (SMR) and total order broadcast (TOB) protocols are notorious for being poorly scalable with the number of participating nodes. Despite the recent race to reduce overall message complexity of leader-driven SMR/TOB protocols, scalability remains poor and the throughput is typically inversely proportional to the number of nodes.

EuroSys '22: Seventeenth European Conference on Computer Systems / 2022.04.06
/ Rennes, France
Chrysoula Stathakopoulou,
Matej Pavlovic
Marko Vukolić
Hierarchical consensus: A horizontal scaling framework for blockchains
We present the Filecoin Hierarchical Consensus framework, which aims to overcome the throughput challenges of blockchain consensus by horizontally scaling the network. Unlike traditional sharding designs, based on partitioning the state of the network, our solution centers on the concept of subnets –which are organized hierarchically– and can be spawned on-demand to manage new state.

DINPS 22 / 2022.07.10
/ Bologna, Italy
Decentralisation conscious players and system reliability
We propose a game-theoretic model of the reliability of de- centralised systems based on Varian’s model of system reliability [27], to which we add a new normalized total effort case that models decentrali- sation conscious players that prioritize decentralisation.

Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022 / 2022.05.02
/ St. George's, Grenada
Sarah Azouvi
Alexander Hicks
Sliding window challenge process for congestion detection
Many prominent smart contract applications such as payment channels, auctions, and voting systems often involve a mechanism in which some party must respond to a challenge or appeal some action within a fixed time limit.

Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022 / 2022.05.02
/ St. George’s, Grenada
Ayelet Lotem,
Sarah Azouvi
Aviv Zohar,
Patrick McCorry
Private attacks in longest chain proof-of-stake protocols with single secret leader elections
Single Secret Leader Elections have recently been proposed as an improved leader election mechanism for proof-of-stake (PoS) blockchains. However, the security gain they provide has not been quantified. In this work, we present a comparison of PoS longest-chain protocols that are based on Single Secret Leader Elections (SSLE) - that elect exactly one leader per round - versus those based on Probabilistic Leader Elections (PLE) - where one leader is elected on expectation.

AFT '21: 3rd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies / 2021.09.28
Sarah Azouvi
Daniele Cappelletti
MyOPE: Malicious security for oblivious polynomial evaluation
Oblivious Polynomial Evaluation (OPE) schemes are interactive protocols between a sender with a private polynomial and a receiver with a private evaluation point where the receiver learns the evaluation of the polynomial in their point and no additional information.

SCN 2022 / 2022.09.12
/ Amalfi, Italy
Malika Izabachène,
Anca Nitulescu
Paola de Perthuis,
David Pointcheval
Count me in! Extendability for threshold ring signatures
Ring signatures enable a signer to sign a message on behalf of a group anonymously, without revealing her identity. Similarly, threshold ring signatures allow several signers to sign the same message on behalf of a group; while the combined signature reveals that some threshold t of the group members signed the message, it does not leak anything else about the signers’ identities.

PKC 2022 / 2022.03.08
/ Virtual
Diego Aranha,
Mathias Hall-Anderson,
Anca Nitulescu
Elena Pagnin,
Sophia Yakoubov
Pulsarcast: Scalable, reliable pub-sub over P2P nets
The publish-subscribe paradigm is a wildly popular form of communication in complex distributed systems. The properties offered by it make it an ideal solution for a multitude of applications, ranging from social media to content streaming and stock exchange platforms.

DI2F / 2021.06.21
/ Espoo, Finland
Joao Antunes,
David Dias
Luis Veiga
The case for AI based Web3 reputation systems
Initiatives such as blockchains and decentralized storage networks are pushing for a decentralized Web3 to replace the current architecture. At the core of Web3 are network resource sharing services, which allow anyone to sell spare network capacity in return for rewards.

DI2F / 2021.06.21
/ Espoo, Finland
Navin V. Keizer,
Fan Yang,
Yiannis Psaras
George Pavlou
IPFS-FAN: A function-addressable computation network
Permissionless computation is one of the missing pieces in the web3 stack in order to have all the tools needed to “decentralise Internet services”. There are already proposals to embed computation in decentralised networks like smart contracts, or blockchain networks for computational offloading.

DI2F / 2021.06.21
/ Espoo, Finland
SnarkPack: Practical SNARK aggregation
Zero-knowledge SNARKs (zk-SNARKs) are non-interactive proof systems with short and efficiently verifiable proofs. zk-SNARKs are widely used in decentralised systems to address privacy and scalability concerns. One of the main applications is the blockchain, were SNARKs are used to prove computations with private inputs and reduce on-chain footprint verification and transaction sizes.

Financial Cryptography and Data Security 2022 / 2022.05.02
/ St George's, Grenada
Improving system resilience through formal verification of transactive energy controls
Formal verification tools such as TLA+ allow errors to be uncovered through exhaustive exploration of reachable states, and are the gold standard for ensuring resilience in software systems. In particular, these methods can be used to identify error states emerging from precise interactions between multiple subsystems that would occur only after long periods of testing, operation, or stacked error conditions.

IEEE PES Transactive Energy Systems Conference (TESC) / 2020.12.09
Subversion-resilient enhanced privacy ID
Anonymous attestation for secure hardware platforms leverages tailored group signature schemes and assumes the hardware to be trusted. Yet, there is an increasing concern on the trustworthiness of hardware components and embedded systems.

Cryptographers’ Track at the RSA Conference / 2022.02.07
/ San Francisco, CA, USA
Antonio Faonio,
Dario Fiore,
Luca Nizzardo
Claudio Soriente
Winkle: foiling long-range attacks in proof-of-stake systems
Winkle protects any validator-based byzantine fault tolerant consensus mechanisms, such as those used in modern Proof-of-Stake blockchains, against long-range attacks where old validators’ signature keys get compromised. Winkle is a decentralized secondary layer of client-based validation, where a client includes a single additional field into a transaction that they sign: a hash of the previously sequenced block.

AFT '20: 2nd ACM Conference on Advances in Financial Technologies / 2020.10.21
/ New York, NY, USA
Sarah Azouvi
George Danezis,
Valeria Nikolaenko
Rewarding relays for decentralised NAT traversal using smart contracts
Traversing NAT’s remains a big issue in P2P networks, and many of the previously proposed solutions are incompatible with truly decentralised emerging applications. Such applications need a decentralised NAT traversal solution without trusted centralised servers.

Mobihoc '20 / 2020.10.11
Navin V. Keizer,
Onur Ascigil,
Yiannis Psaras
George Pavlou
Cloud provider connectivity in the flat Internet
The Tier-1 ISPs have been considered the Internet’s backbone since the dawn of the modern Internet 30 years ago, as they guarantee global reachability. However, their influence and importance are waning as Internet flattening decreases the demand for transit services and increases the importance of private interconnections.

ACM IMC 2020 / 2020.10.27
Todd Arnold,
Jia He,
Weifan Jiang,
Matthew Calder,
Italo Cunha,
Vasilis Giotsas
Ethan Katz-Bassett
Automating QUIC interoperability testing
We present QuicInteropRunner [1,2], a test framework for automated and on-demand interoperability testing between implementations of the QUIC protocol [3]. We describe the key constraints and insights that defined our work, the recent innovations that made the framework possible, a high-level overview of our design, and a few exemplary tests.

ACM SIGCOMM 2020 Workshop on Evolution, Performance, and Interoperability of QUIC / 2020.08.14
Marten Seemann
Jana Iyengar
MonZa: Fast maliciously secure two party computation on Z_{2^k}
In this paper we present a new 2-party protocol for secure computation over rings of the form Z2k. As many recent efficient MPC protocols supporting dishonest majority, our protocol consists of a heavier (input-independent) pre-processing phase and a very efficient online stage.

IACR International Conference on Practice and Theory of Public-Key Cryptography (PKC) / 2020.05.04
/ Edinburgh, Scotland
Dario Catalano
Mario Di Raimondo,
Dario Fiore,
Irene Giacomelli
Censorship-resistant web annotations based on Ethereum and IPFS
Flooded by the propagation of false or biased news in the Web, people tend to resort to social networks to read posts from reliable sources, exchange commentaries with trustworthy parties, access first-hand content, or cross-check information that appears in news outlets.

SAC 2020 / 2020.03.30
/ Brno, Czech Republic
João Santos,
Nuno Santos,
David Dias
SoK: Tools for game theoretic models of security for cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies have garnered much attention in recent years, both from the academic community and industry. One interesting aspect of cryptocurrencies is their explicit consideration of incentives at the protocol level, which has motivated a large body of work, yet many open problems still exist and current systems rarely deal with incentive related problems well.

Cryptoeconomic Systems / 2020.03.07
/ Cambridge, MA, USA
Sarah Azouvi
Alexander Hicks
Single secret leader election
In a Single Secret Leader Election (SSLE), a group of participants aim to randomly choose exactly one leader from the group with the restriction that the identity of the leader will be known to the chosen leader and nobody else.

ACM Advances in Financial Technologies 2020 / 2020.10.21
Dan Boneh,
Saba Eskandarian,
Lucjan Hanzlik,
Nicola Greco
Efficient UC commitment extension with homomorphism for free (and applications)
Homomorphic universally composable (UC) commitments allow for the sender to reveal the result of additions and multiplications of values contained in commitments without revealing the values themselves while assuring the receiver of the correctness of such computation on committed values.

Advances in Cryptology – ASIACRYPT 2019 / 2019.10.02
Ignacio Cascudo,
Ivan Damgård,
Bernardo David,
Nico Döttling,
Rafael Dowsley,
Irene Giacomelli
Dioptics: A common generalization of open games and gradient-based learners
Compositional semantics have been shown for machine-learning algorithms [FST18] and open games [Hed18]; at SYCO 1, remarks were made noting the high degree of overlap in character and analogy between the constructions, and that there is known to be a monoidal embedding from the category of learners to the category of games, but it remained unclear exactly what kind of structure they both are.

Fifth Symposium on Compositional Structures (SYCO) / 2019.09.05
/ Birmingham, UK
PLONK: Permutations over Lagrange-bases for oecumenical noninteractive arguments of knowledge
zk-SNARK constructions that utilize an updatable universal structured reference string remove one of the main obstacles in deploying zk-SNARKs[GKM + ]. The important work of Maller et al. [MBKM19] presented Sonic-the first potentially practical zk-SNARK with fully succinct verification for general arithmetic circuits with such an SRS.

Stanford Blockchain Conference / 2020.02.19
/ Stanford, CA, USA
Ariel Gabizon
Zachary J Williamson,
Oana Ciobotaru
An algorithm for formation-based chemical plume tracing using robotic marine vehicles
Robotic chemical plume tracing is a growing area of research, with envisioned real-world applications including pollution tracking, search and rescue, and ecosystem identification. However, following a chemical signal in the water is not an easy task due to the nature of chemical transport and to limitations in sensing and communication.

OCEANS 2016 MTS/IEEE Monterey / 2016.09.19
/ Monterey, CA, USA
Jorge M. Soares
A. Pedro Aguiar,
António M. Pascoal,
Alcherio Martinoli
The Khepera IV mobile robot: Performance evaluation, sensory data, and software toolbox
Taking distributed robotic system research from simulation to the real world often requires the use of small robots that can be deployed and managed in large numbers. This has led to the development of a multitude of these devices, deployed in the thousands by researchers worldwide.

Robot 2015: Second Iberian Robotics Conference / 2015.11.19
/ Lisbon, Portugal
Jorge M. Soares
Iñaki Navarro,
Alcherio Martinoli
A distributed formation-based odor source localization algorithm – design, implementation, and wind tunnel evaluation
Robotic odor source localization is a promising tool with numerous applications in safety, search and rescue, and environmental science. In this paper, we present an algorithm for odor source localization using multiple cooperating robots equipped with chemical sensors.

2015 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation (ICRA) / 2015.05.26
/ Seattle, WA, USA
Jorge M. Soares
A. Pedro Aguiar,
António M. Pascoal,
Alcherio Martinoli
A graph-based formation algorithm for odor plume tracing
Odor plume tracing is a challenging robotics application, made difficult by the combination of the patchy characteristics of odor distribution and the slow response of the available sensors. This work proposes a graph-based formation control algorithm to coordinate a group of small robots equipped with odor sensors, with the goal of tracing an odor plume to its source.

Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems (DARS 2014) / 2014.11.02
/ Daejeon, South Korea
Jorge M. Soares
A. Pedro Aguiar,
António M. Pascoal,
Alcherio Martinoli
Flexible triangular formation keeping of marine robotic vehicles using range measurements
This paper addresses the problem of keeping an autonomous marine vehicle in a moving triangular formation by regulating its position with respect to two leader vehicles. The follower vehicle has no prior knowledge of the path described by the leaders but has access to their heading angle and is able to measure inter-vehicle ranges.

19th IFAC World Congress (IFAC WC 2014) / 2014.08.24
/ Cape Town, South Africa
Francisco Rego,
Jorge M. Soares
António M. Pascoal,
A. Pedro Aguiar,
Colin Jones
Joint ASV/AUV range-based formation control: Theory and experimental results
The use of groups of autonomous marine vehicles has enormous potential in numerous marine applications, perhaps the most relevant of which is the surveying and exploration of the oceans, still widely unknown and misunderstood.

2013 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation / 2013.05.06
/ Karlsruhe, Germany
Jorge M. Soares
A. Pedro Aguiar,
António M. Pascoal,
Alcherio Martinoli
Triangular formation control using range measurements: An application to marine robotic vehicles
This paper addresses the problem of maintaining an autonomous robotic vehicle in a moving triangular formation by regulating its position with respect to two leader vehicles. The robotic vehicle has no a priori knowledge of the path described by the leaders and its goal is to follow them by constantly regulating the inter-vehicle distances to a desired fixed value, using range-only measurements.

3rd IFAC Workshop on Navigation, Guidance and Control of Underwater Vehicles (NGCUV’2012) / 2012.04.10
/ Porto, Portugal
Jorge M. Soares
A. Pedro Aguiar,
António M. Pascoal,
Marco Gallieri
Experimental and analytical performance evaluation of a real opportunistic wireless sensor network
The use of opportunistic communications, while increasing in popularity, is still limited, due in part to some uncertainty that still exists regarding its performance in real-world conditions. This paper tries to assess the real performance of an opportunistic routing implementation in a physical setting, by comparing it with its expected performance, determined by a simplified theoretical model.

2010 Future Network & Mobile Summit / 2010.06.16
/ Florence, Italy
Jorge M. Soares
Wansheng Zhang,
Mirko Franceschinis,
Maurizio A. Spirito,
Rui M. Rocha
CHARON: Routing in low-density opportunistic wireless sensor networks
Combining wireless sensor networks (WSNs) with delay-tolerant networking (DTN) has the potential to extend their use in a multitude of previously impossible applications. However, and despite numerous proposed solutions, there is still wide debate as to how to best route messages in these networks and, more importantly, how to do it in an energy-efficient way.

IFIP Wireless Days 2009 / 2009.12.15
/ Paris, France
Jorge M. Soares
Rui M. Rocha
Power management extensions for Tagus-SensorNet
A flexible Wireless Sensor Network platform for easier implementation of diverse applications has been developed and deployed at one of the Institute Superior Tecnico - Technical University of Lisbon (IST-TUL) campus.

18th International Conference on Computer Communications and Networks (ICCCN 09) / 2009.08.03
/ San Francisco, CA, USA
Jorge M. Soares
Bruno Gonçalves,
Rui M. Rocha